Measuring instructions vertical blinds for victorian angled conservatories 89mm 3-5 127mm 5-slats louvres
Vertical blinds for Victorian Conservatories

Use a metal tape measure to ensure accurate measurements.
Bracket Types for Vertical Blinds ( these are chosen during the ordering process)
Vertical blinds are face fixed in conservatories where the brackets are screwed facewards into the window frame. There are different size face fix brackets for 89mm/127mm slat size.
Use the information below to determine the bracket allowance depending on the best-fitting surface and slat size chosen. This will be referred to as X.
Small Face Fix (only used on 89mm louvres)
The brackets are face-fixed into the window frame.
This will give a clearance of approximately 25mm between 89mm louvres and fitting surface allowing for louvres to rotate freely and for small window handles or obstructions.
(Allowances for any larger handles will be made later)

Large Face Fix
The brackets are face-fixed into the window frame.
This will give a clearance of approximately 49mm on 89mm louvres and 25mm on 127mm louvres between fitting surfaces allowing for louvres to rotate freely and for any window handles.
(Allowances for any larger handles will be made later)
Note down X for the next step.

Where are blinds fitted in a conservatory?
Blinds fitted in conservatories are fitted at the same part of the frame to ensure a secure fitting without affecting window seals.
The shaded area on the image opposite shows where to fit the blinds, in turn, showing where measurements are taken from.
The blinds are fitted to the outer conservatory frame and not the actual window frames themselves.

Window Handle Allowance
Measure the protrusion of the window handle.
25mm or less move on to the next step as this is already allowed for on the previous step.
Over 25mm, you will need to make an additional allowance.
Measure the handle protrusion as shown in the image opposite e.g. 45mm.
Additional Allowance
45mm window handle - 25mm allowance = 20mm
Side Windows
Take an A4 sheet of paper and cut it in half. Place the two pieces of paper next to each other and mark a line at measurement X.
e.g. Top fix brackets, 89mm louvres X = 70mm
e.g. Top fix brackets, 89mm louvres, window handles of 45mm
X = 70mm + 20mm = 90mm

1) Place the pieces of paper on the window sill touching the frame and slide together until the two lines meet.
2) Then using a pencil make a mark on the window sill at the point where the corner of the fabric meets the frame.
3) Repeat on the other angles around the conservatory.

Measure from one mark to the next as shown on the illustration. This will give you the widths the blinds will need to be.
For the drop measure from where the bracket is to be fitted to the window sill.
Order all blinds as RECESS SIZE.
Measure the width of the doors on the same part of the frame as the blinds for the windows so they are all level.
Doors Drop
Measure the drop of the door at 3 points from where the brackets are to be fitted to the floor, and use the smallest one.