Choosing window blinds that dogs can’t destroy
We are a nation of animal lovers with 12.5 million dogs standing as members of the family. The recent lockdowns drove up sales of puppies. This found many of us adapting our homes to suit these four-legged friends. For those who have never had a pet before, the destruction that small animals can cause is sometimes a shock. They need to scratch, play and be boisterous - much like smaller children in many ways. Therefore, it pays to invest in homeware that can withstand their playful ways, instead of having to constantly replace and repair the pieces you have. Choosing window blinds that dogs can’t destroy is a tall ask. Most animals can find a way to damage an item if they want to. But, knowing the best blinds for this purpose is the first step to taking back control of your home. And, enjoying time with the newest member of the family.
Why do dogs destroy window blinds?
Play: This question is perhaps too specific. Dogs don’t necessarily set out to destroy your window blinds. Digging, chewing and tearing up items is a form of play for many breeds. It's something they can do to occupy their minds. If you have a young puppy, remember that they are very similar to small toddlers and children. In the same way that a baby may chew on teethers and their toys, a puppy will chew as their new teeth come through. While this is completely normal behaviour, it doesn’t help when the thing they choose to chew on are your brand new, made-to-measure window blinds. Veterinary and animal experts recommend providing your puppy with toys that are made to soothe sore gums.
Emotional: The other reasons that dogs become destructive are emotional - they are bored, anxious or stressed out. Puppies haven’t been taught the right ways to vent out their extra energy or to work through stressful situations. Instead of cuddling up with their favourite toy or having a mad 5 minutes, they engage in compulsive activity such as chewing. This gives them physical relief from their emotions - although it may do the exact opposite for yours. In these situations, you want to provide more stimulation for your new pet. This could be either physical or mental. For example, investing in a puzzle toy that they need to complete in order to get a treat. Alternatively, consider how often they are being walked and whether this specific breed could use more exercise. Dogs are also sensitive to changes in their daily life, including the arrival of a new pet or a schedule change. Do your research and try methods to reduce these overwhelming feelings. You may find that your furniture and homeware get less of a beating throughout the day.
Territorial: Dogs are naturally protective of their home and land. This means that any time they sense a threat (whether real or perceived), they are likely to get on the defensive. For many dogs, this means barking. But, for the larger and more agile ones, it can also mean jumping up at the window to show their stature to the potential intruder. This show of dominance can happen in many situations. Perhaps your mailman has walked up the drive. Maybe a squirrel has dared to sit on the nearest tree. Or maybe your pup thinks they’ve heard something go past at night.
Either way, if there is a noise that triggers them, the first place they’ll jump to is your windowsill - putting your blinds at direct risk.

Dogs' safety with window blinds
As we’ve mentioned above, window blinds are just one of the items in your home that could become your pup’s new favourite plaything. The bright colours, movement due to wind and even the pull words or twist wands may be too alluring for them to ignore. When you do invest in new window blinds, along with considering which are the most durable, it’s important to consider safety.
There is a lot of information available about child safety with blinds - especially about pull cords. But, did you know that these cords can be deadly for small pets, such as puppies as well? If the cords are left to hang and your small furry friend gets curious, they can quickly get entangled in the rope. Without supervision and a quick reaction from you, cords can wrap around necks and become a serious choking hazard.
To minimise this hazard at home, you have two main options.
One: Make sure that every bling in your home has an easy-break chain connector or a child safety clip attached to the wall nearby. This allows you to wrap the cord up, away from reach.
Two: Opt for cordless blinds, such as Cordless Roller Blinds that have an internal spring mechanism, or Motorised Roller Blinds that are controlled entirely by remote control.
The best window blinds that dogs can’t destroy
Unfortunately, there are very few window blinds on the market that are entirely indestructible. The best thing you can do is tailor your choice to help minimise the risk of chewing, prevent your dog from getting their head stuck and keep cords as far out of reach as possible.
Cordless Roller Blinds
Combining safety, style and practicality all into one, cordless roller blinds are an ideal option for homes with dogs. The sleek design eliminates the need for a pull cord entirely. Instead, there is a spring-loaded mechanism built into the fabric. To adjust, you pull gently on the bottom of the fabric to release the hold and move the blind to the position you require. As well as eliminating the risk of entanglement, cordless roller blinds are also available in a host of fabric options. 100% waterproof styles are largely chosen for bathrooms and kitchens but they also have a wipe-clean surface. If your dog persists in jumping on your windows to ‘greet’ every passerby, this easy-clean finish will allow you to keep your home looking its best.
Open the blinds in the morning and you eliminate the chance of accidents or your four-legged friend damaging the fabric.
Wooden Blinds
Dogs are tenacious creatures. Once they decide they want to do something, they will find a way to do it - no matter how much of a challenge lies in front of them. Horizontal slat blinds, especially those made from aluminium, are often a popular choice for busy households. The aluminium is lightweight, easy to clean and long-lasting. However, the small gaps between each slat are incredibly inviting for dogs. If they hear someone walking towards the house, it isn’t unusual for pups to push their heads through the slats to get a better look. Cue choking hazards and the potential for real damage to your blinds.
The best way to avoid this is to avoid slatted blinds altogether. But, if this is the style you’re looking for, we recommend wooden blinds. They are more hardwearing than aluminium options, making it harder for your pup to push their head through and reducing the risk of damage. Opting for blinds with wider slats, such as 50mm or 65mm slats, will provide more window coverage and keep your dog from spotting potential intruders throughout the day.
Vertical Blinds
If you need to cover longer windows or doors, vertical blinds are another option. The full-length vertical slats can be ordered with bottom weights instead of a bottom stabilising chain. This reduces the risk of strangulation and makes them safe for dogs to poke their heads through. Consider the Rigid PVC Vertical Blinds or Rigid Metal Vertical Blinds if you need a wipe-clean option - particularly important on back doors leading to muddy gardens.
A word of caution with vertical blinds. If your dog is prone to chewing when bored or agitated, the vertical slats in these full sets can be incredibly appealing. Consider your pet before choosing an option just for easy maintenance.